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Monday, July 8, 2019

Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement® class + farmers' market on Saturdays!

We had such a delightful class this 4th of July weekend Saturday. The cool thing about Saturday is the large, adjacent farmers' market in the CVS Shopping Center off California and Booth. Very easy and agreeable to combine the two healthy events!

Because it was a holiday week, I experimented with a different concept. I gave 4 short lessons, oriented to improving range of movement and comfort in the hip, leg, knee, ankle and foot, including one squat exploration.

All lessons (true in every Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement class, of course) are accessible/appropriate to and for everyone, because everyone does only what they can easily do. This includes your decision to do it in your imagination, if that is what feels right to you.

This range of possibility and exploration are SELF-discovery -- this updates your brain map with real-time data and it establishes the pathway to your self-awareness and movement improvement. AND it also opens doors to physical, mental and emotional flow and freedom, creativity and better relationship with the world around you.

Everyone is welcome in any class. You don't need to be a Gerber patient on TUES and SAT, nor do you need to be a member of the Buddhist community on Thurs. Just kindly contact me first to connect and talk, if you wish, and to get the class handout.

You can use the contact form on my website most easily.

Hope to see you soon!