We are doing a great side-lying lesson this week, with lengthening and side-bending through the ribs, spine and hips. It also includes mindful work on side-flexors, hips, legs and pelvis.
It is one of those lessons that most people really feel a really positive after. And it improves breathing.
It is wonderful for scoliosis and shoulder issues. You'll feel a new relationship between the shoulders and hips/legs. Of course everyone works at their own level and pace, so there is no stress or strain. We do it the Feldenkrais way.
Please contact me using my contact form above if you have questions or want more information. I'll send you the class handout.
The next classes are Thurs. 5 pm at the Reno Buddhist Center, and 10 am Saturday at 250 Bell St. Please join us and plan on coming 15 minutes early to your first class.