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Sunday, March 24, 2019

April 6 - No Saturday 10 am Feldenkrais Class

Hi everyone, 

I will be away at a Feldenkrais Guild of North America training/meeting the 5-7th, and thus will have to cancel class on Saturday. My sincere apologies. I do wish one or more Feldenkrais teachers / practitioners would move to our area!

As an alternative, you are welcome to come to class Tues noon at 250 Bell or Thurs 5 pm at the Reno Buddhist Ctr. 

You can use the contact form on this site to let me know if you have questions. 

I am continuing an awareness focus on increasing whole body flexibility, easier movement and balance, counterbalance and general fitness/wellness. All of these  lead to pain and tension relief and, of course, better health and more comfortable, confident living.  Hope to see you soon!

Saturday 10 am class will continue at 250 Bell St., on March 30 and April 13th.  Meanwhile ...

Best wishes and love, 