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Feldenkrais Class Handout with Mini Schedule (on phone, scroll to bottom & click View Web Version)

TUES: 1225 Westfield Ave. (Gerber Med Clinic), 12:30–1:45 pm;  THURS: 820 Plumas (Reno Buddhist Ctr.) 5-6:30 pm; SAT. 1225 Westfield Ave., 10-11:30 am.

2020 Class Handout 

How to Get 
the Most From FELDENKRAIS® 

1.    The Feldenkrais Method creates deep and lasting change in your movement patterns by improving your capacity to sense and follow movement in your body. Your commitment to the process--improving your ability to feel yourself in movement--is the key to this change.

2.    Doing varied, non-habitual movement with attention wakes up the brain (known as brain mapping, rewiring) and activates the proprioceptive mechanisms in your joints. As your ability to feel and track your movement increases from the inside, your movement choices, balance and stability quickly improve.

3.    There is no ‘RIGHT WAY’ to do the movements; you will learn to do what is comfortable, working mindfully, slowly, and small, modifying your movement as needed. What your neighbor does isn’t relevant to you. You are moving with YOUR body and your history.

4.    In class you will begin by listening to the verbal direction, exploring the movement playfully, slowly, incrementally; see how your body responds, don’t worry about right and wrong. Feel yourself. Gradually allow the size of the movement to grow as it feels more comfortable. 

5.    Every time you repeat a movement, make it easier and less effortful. There are many ways to do a movement using subtly different parts of yourself. Try many different ways, see what feels natural, and what does not, what feels easy, what does not.

6.    Give yourself time and emotional space to discover what your movement habits and patterns are. This lays the groundwork to awakening your brain to a new kind of learning, and to releasing tension and stress.

7.    The smaller and slower you move, the more you will feel.  You will be able to make finer discriminations and distinctions in what you feel as your attention and awareness increase.

8.    If a movement is uncomfortable, visualize the movement. Visualizing or imagining is a very powerful brain activator; it uses the same neural pathways as the movement but the brain activity is actually equal to or greater than in movement. Try it! Practice visualizing. 

9.    Automatic, fast movement is no benefit to your brain; it does not produce learning or change. Learning only occurs when you work slowly with attention, sensation and interest. The more you do this, the greater your benefits and the easier it will be to incorporate the Feldenkrais Method into your daily life.

10. When working at home, take a break if your attention wanders too long; return when you can focus on your movement and sensation. Practice having fun -- explore, be playful and experimental again. It will change your life immeasurably and lighten your spirit.

Visit for youtube videos and detailed information about the Feldenkrais Method®. Connect with me using the contact form above right, or via or you can arrange for a free 15 min phone call if you have questions.  
Best wishes!
Carole Bucher, BA, GCFP, 
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner and Teacher, or 775-240-7882.