Increasing the comfort and range of movement in hips, feet, toes, ankles and shoulders, AND elongating the spine - photo from last week's (9/8/18) class.
Nearly every lesson we do in a Feldenkrais class, workshop or clinic includes surprising physical and mental improvements because of the very specific way Dr. Feldenkrais created each lesson. And because we are learning to use our 'feeling and sensation' to find movement in a way that actually works with our bodies rather than pushing through or ignoring our movement limitations. Each lesson is structured so that our movement intelligence increases as we continue through a lesson.
This lesson is a great example of how this works, gently, safely and rather amazingly. It started by our separating out our toes from each other individually, which increased the feeling of width and length of the bones in our feet. So we began in a simple, child development sort of way, playing with our feet and creating awareness skeletally from the bottom up.
We also awakened connections through the whole body, as we supported ourselves with one hand and arm, as we did the movements of toes, foot, ankle and leg with the other hand and arm.
We followed these movements up into the body, exploring many variations, extending the focus of the movement upward into the hip joints, through the knees and ankles. Our hands, arms and shoulders participated more intentionally and intelligently. We played with movement in shoulders and elbows too. Lots of non-habitual, interesting movement.
We found balance, through the sit bones in the pelvis, as all parts of the movement lesson began to come together in a cohesive whole way -- we had a sense of shape, feeling of balance and counter balance, in space and on the ground.
The interesting surprise for many was the impact at the end of the lesson on our walking, our upright spines, and feeling of much better alignment and organization, pain relief and ease of movement.
Every lesson has this wholistic impact but also hidden benefits that differ from person to person because of our different history and anatomy.
Best wishes,
Carole Bucher, BA, GCFP