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Saturday, January 26, 2013

SAT 3 pm Feldenkrais Class, ACHIEVE Fitness Jan 26

Today's Saturday Awareness Through Movement class at ACHIEVE Fitness is a luxurious, full body ROLLING LESSON that lengthens and loosens and rebalances your entire body, from head to toe. 
The lesson is great for general stiffness and tension, scoliosis, neck, back, shoulder or spine issues; it supports better breathing because the ribs move, intercostal muscles soften and get really comfortable. It is done like all Feldenkrais lessons, slowly and incrementally, and is viable for almost everyone.

You will come away feeling taller, more centered, stable and all over aligned.   
Please note that there will be NO SATURDAY CLASS NEXT WEEK, FEB 2 - I'll be away at an advanced training that focuses on working with kids and adults with special needs, including autism and will also be learning new methodology to help you improve specific movement capacities.
--If you want to try a Saturday class, DO IT THIS WEEKEND, NOT NEXT
--Be sure to come 15 mins early if this is your first class.
If you want to schedule a free 15 minute telephone appointment to get more information about whether classes and lessons would be helpful to you, contact me via email, message me on my page, or through 

Hope to see you soon!  Best wishes,