Do you want to feel better in your whole body? Then this is your Feldenkrais lesson, though the video is just a tiny snippet from the very end of the lesson. :-)
The lesson is a flowing body lesson and is one of my top favorite Awareness Through Movement lessons in nearly 10 years of teaching. It works on non-habitual movements through the whole body, in a very clear way and leaves you feeling aligned and great. So I teach it many times a year.
Classes generally seemed wonderful this week. I'm not sure why, they just sometimes do ... people really appreciate the lessons, or get a lot out of them. Or we just feel more connected, not only to ourselves but to each other and to life in general. You can turn up the sound and hear my words or read the captions, which I have added for the first time.
If you want information about classes or private Functional Integration sessions, please use the contact form in the upper right hand corner of this page to reach me directly and quickly.
Your will be surprised how much you can do to improve the quality of your movement and your comfort. This improvement enhances creativity, performance at work and even how you approach life's ups and downs. It is a shame to settle for less.
Looking forward to hearing from you.