• Feldenkrais Method® classes and private sessions are a powerful way to move and feel better, regain self-confidence and relieve pain.
• Feel better in your entire body - shoulders, back, knees, hips, legs, feet and more.
• improve balance, mobility and posture, alignment, improve arthritis, spinal disc degeneration, MS, scoliosis, stenosis; recover from injury, illness, stroke, delay/avoid surgery and heal faster.
• The only ongoing Feldenkrais in Northern NV since 2009.
Dear Friends and Students, I hope you had a meaningful holiday and are looking forward to the New Year with optimism! In the spirit of co-creating optimism and inner quiet, wellbeing and strength, please know that my Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement classes start on Jan. 2, at Noon, 250 Bell St., followed by Jan. 4 at the Reno Buddhist Center, 6 pm, and then Jan. 6 at 250 Bell St., 10 am. We will undertake this study of unlocking and releasing our possibilities together, once again. The first lesson of the new year is called "Tossing the Limbs" which explores the subtle and important ways that we move, lift and lower various parts of our bodies, and the effect of this on the rest of our body. It will be as subtle as or jarring as the state of your nervous system, meaning that slowing down and truly sensing bodily response can be a whole new journey in itself. It is a new lesson from the Alexander Yanai material that I have been studying each day with other Feldenkrais practitioners around the world at 8 am. The chance to observe and feel/sense the effects of moving in different ways is a perfect way to begin the new year -- with self-awareness and a truly new perspective on our habits. If we don't know what we do with ourselves habitually, how can we possibly work effectively in a new direction? We cannot. We simply get caught in an aggravating, endless circle of dissatisfaction and discomfort; no amount of physical effort produces any change. Only by accessing ourselves through our awareness and sensation, learning about our habits -- physically, mentally and emotionally, will we find real growth and lasting change. If you have any questions about classes or individual Functional Integration lessons, please contact me using the blogger contact form to the right of this post. Warmest wishes, Carole Carole Bucher, BA, GCFP Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner and Teacher