Happy New Year!! Reno Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement classes will resume on Tuesday, Jan 6, not on Saturday Jan 10, as posted earlier. The corrected Holiday schedule is posted in the previous blog.
Thus the first class of 2015 will be held on Tuesday January 6 at Midtown Fitness, 10 am, followed by the resumption of Thursday 5:30 pm at the Reno Buddhist Center, and then the Saturday afternoon class on January 10, at Midtown Fitness at 3 pm.
We will begin a real energetic direction together for the New Year, continuing on our journey toward greater self awareness, health and wellbeing, effective, efficient, and comfortable movement, as we create better internal connections between our brains and our bodies. These intentions improve our vitality, our feeling of self-worth and our relationship to the world around us. They open our hearts and minds and heal what needs healing.
Meanwhile, have a safe, comfortable, fun and happy New Year!
And please note, if you are on my email list, watch for my New Years message in a few days! It will contain information and Feldy tips you will want to know and use! Or you can sign up for the newsletter on this page. In any case, I'll see you soon!
Best wishes and love,