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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Finely Tuned

Yo Yo Ma and Yehudi Menuhin were probably among the first and most famous musicians to find that the unusual, non-habitual Feldenkrais movements, done slowly and with focused attention, improved their musical abilities.  And since then, literally thousands of musicians around the world have discovered the Feldenkrais method as a unique and meaningful support for their music and for repetitive motion strain.

In this video, cellist Uri Vardi and his wife, flutist Hagit, bring the extraordinary, vivifying elements of Awareness Through Movement® to a classical orchestra setting, " the service of enhanced musical expression and to prevent injury."  You will see how it works for yourself.

Whether you are a musician or want to learn more about the deep and remarkable changes that can occur in your brain and body from working attentively in this way, I know you will enjoy watching this video.  From it you will get a clear taste of the magic that can be found in applying the Feldenkrais Method to any activity.  And the music is gorgeous, the depth of feeling wonderful.